ACT® and SAT® Prep Courses

Our unique web-based ACT and SAT prep program is designed to easily integrate into your current curriculum. The courses are broken up into short, fifteen minute sessions and will help to increase subject mastery and boost test scores.

Simple, easy to navigate user interface.

Students and teachers appreciate how easy it is to navigate our courses.

Simple, easy to navigate user interface.

Students and teachers appreciate how easy it is to navigate our courses.

Engaging Lessons

Students listen to lessons while they read along and complete questions to keep them focused.

Engaging Lessons

Students listen to lessons while they read along and complete questions to keep them focused.

Quizzes After Each Lesson

Students complete a quiz after each lesson to show mastery of the concept they just learned.

Quizzes After Each Lesson

Students complete a quiz after each lesson to show mastery of the concept they just learned.

Immediate Feedback

Video, audio, and written explanations after each lesson and quiz question. 

Immediate Feedback

Video, audio, and written explanations after each lesson and quiz question. 

Full Length Exams

Concept Score Reports

And more

Easy to use teacher tools and reports.

Class management

Course and concept report

Test reports

“We are happy to provide an SAT and ACT test preparation option to every student in the district, regardless of income. We will continue to bring the message to our students that they can raise their SAT and ACT scores and achieve higher scores by using your online test prep courses.”

Wayne Abenes
Guidance Counselor

Support You Can Count On

We view each relationship with a school or district as a true partnership and you can count on the highly responsive Method Learning team to be there with you every step of the way. Each customer is assigned a dedicated account representative that serves as your primary point of contact. Our success depends on your success. As such, we do all we can to maintain a successful partnership.

Support You Can Count On

We view each relationship with a school or district as a true partnership and you can count on the highly responsive Method Learning team to be there with you every step of the way. Each customer is assigned a dedicated account representative that serves as your primary point of contact. Our success depends on your success. As such, we do all we can to maintain a successful partnership.

Get Started Today.​

Talk to us today about how we can help your students improve their SAT and ACT scores,  and reach their full potential.

Math Tutoring FAQs

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.